IPMS Columbus Results

I decided to go to a local show this past weekend held by the local IPMS (International Plastic Modeler's Society) chapter.  The show was called Blizzard Con (BLIZZCON for short)and was held at a local middle school near downtown Columbus.

This was my first time attending a smaller local show or one held by the IPMS group.  A few things about the structure and judging.

1.  There are skill levels or 'classes'.  These classes are Youth, Teen, Adult, and Master.  I decided to enter my pieces at the Adult level since I am relatively new to painting and I was entering some of the first plastic models I have done.

2.  Judging is done within categories in the classes with a first, second, and third place awarded within each category in each class.  Most of my stuff fell within the 'other' categories since IPMS concentrates on plastic modeling, cars, airplanes, and tanks specifically.

I entered 6 pieces total and was pleased to see how well my pieces did overall.

Gigantosaurus - He was one of a few pieces in the prehistoric category and he brought home a first place with a few people commenting how much they liked him overall.

Slave 1 - This piece was in the spaceship category and received a first place as well.  I had a few people talk to me about this piece as well.

Green Goblin bust - This piece went into the Fantasy figure category where there were a few more figures and received a third place.  Not bad considering he is one of my first smaller brush painted pieces and all of the shading was done with red on green (complimentary colors)

Flesh Colored Alien - I entered this piece as well as the green alien which were both all done using airbrush techniques.  There were a number of pieces in their category of ScyFy figures and the flesh colored alien received a third place.

Green Alien - Well, not everything can be a winner but I was proud of this piece none the less because I like the piece when paired with the flesh colored alien and painting him was fun.  He didn't receive an award this time around.

Ma.k. model kit - This piece was entered in the category of 'Fictional Land, Sea, or Air Vehicles' and I was pleased to see that it received a first in this category.  While doing this kit I learned a lot overall considering it was my second time using Plastruct Plastic Weld, first time doing decal work using decal medium and decal fix (to reduce the decal lines), second time using the weathering techniques (which I had overdone on purpose on Slave 1), and the wet mud look was completely a guess at technique (wheat flour, brown paint, and realistic water = a very solid mixture that is glossy and looks like wet mud).  You may wonder why I'm going on about this piece a little and it is because it also received a second overall award of 'Best Adult Model'.  Translated that means that the judges thought it was the best model at the show in the adult class.

Overall I must say that it was a fun and productive day.  Next year I'll move up to the Master class and see how I do overall.  Back to painting game pieces for me now...Zombies from Zombicide at the moment.  Keep your eyes here for my next show pieces.



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