Jerseyfest Class - 2016

I took the Casey Love airbrush class at Jerseyfest this past weekend and it was amazing.  I came out of it with some good techniques and feeling more confident using my airbrush.

I have to admit that the first time I saw a photo of the bust I was hesitant to like it but after seeing it in the class and then applying, I am in love with it.

The bust

The first step was to base coat the piece.  The head was base coated with a greenish paint with a little white added to it.  The armor was base coated with black as was the metal jaw.

We then mixed a bluish glaze (using Golden Glazing Medium (Gloss)) and brushed it over the green areas.  This was wiped off while wet to leave just a tint on the high spots and most of it in the low spots.  The medium allowed the glaze to be worked out of the low areas a little to lighten it as well.  Hair dryers were then used to dry it all really well.

A purplish brown was then airbrushed in the suture areas of the head, around the eyes, nose, and mouth.  All of the deep areas were also hit around the neck with this color.

A blueish green was used to line the veins around the head with an airbrush.  This was done with the paint, thinned with water and then some 91% rubbing alcohol.  This was done to make it thin and then make it dry quickly.

Some more purple was used around the nose, sutures, etc. as well as around the bolt on the back of his head.

More layering, colorizing the blisters on his head.  Rinse, Repeat...

This is as far as we got in the class.  Some airbrush work to the teeth, eyes, and cloth on the front.


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