
At Wonderfest I decided to purchase a few dinosaurs to put together and paint.  One which I purchased from Cretaceous Creations - a Gigantosaurus.  First let me say that these pieces are AWESOME in their detail and quality.

I started off with using Model Air paints in the brown, tan, and green spectrum to get a base coat in place and then shade the back and lateral line of the animal.

I then used watercolors and painted spots.  These spots are 2 tone with dark tan inside of light tan.  The results looked more like stickers stuck on the sides than natural coloration on the animal.

Some more transparent greens and browns, pastel work, and washes resulted in something that looks more like natural coloration and less like stickers.  The eyes, claws and teeth were painted and then coated with a gloss medium.

This is when I decided that I wanted to create a custom base.  More about that in my next post though.


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